The goal of polished is to show all of the meticulous tweaks that go into a website. My resume is a good example, dozens of hours of work and tweaking to come up with this pretty basic final product. Showing that blood, sweat and hilarious tears in between should be pretty entertaining. Watch pages undulate, stretch, break, grow, and shrink into place.
Once you've installed polished, it works like this:
out the kinks so it's a nice smooth videoResume page video without polishing
Polished resume page video
And I had to "polish" these videos to get them just right, fix bad links for some commits:
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
from polished.backends import PelicanBackend
from polished.decorators import polish
class EricPelicanBackend(PelicanBackend):
def _patch_image_srcs(self):
wait = WebDriverWait(self.DRIVER, 10)
element = wait.until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.TAG_NAME, 'img')))
var img_array = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for(var i=0; i<img_array.length; i++) {
var href_replaced = img_array[i].getAttribute('src').replace(/^\/images/, "../images");
img_array[i].setAttribute("src", href_replaced);
@polish(urls=["output/pages/about.html"], commit_indexes=range(112, 135))
def fix_image_links_on_about_me_page(self):
@polish(urls=["output/pages/resume.html"], commit_indexes=range(68,134))
def fix_resume_page_broken_images(self):
Then the usual
> pip install polished
For more detailed instructions please check out the repo readme.
> polished
The default behavior is to capture "index.html"
each commit
> polished output/index.html
Local file
> polished http://localhost:8000/
Local server
By default the files are saved to polished_output/<commit count>.<sha>.polished.png
and polished_output/output.mp4